Fundraising Articles

Events, Lotteries, Major Gifts, Bequests: What’s Right For You?

CHOOSE YOUR FUNDRAISING STRATEGY APPROACH How do organisations choose a fundraising strategy? Here are four approaches we see used by New Zealand non-profit organisations: Approaches 1 and 3 will provide incremental, but unremarkable growth. Approach 2 will eventually lead to a diversified fundraising operation as seen in some of the large hospitals. Approach 4 might

Events, Lotteries, Major Gifts, Bequests: What’s Right For You? Read More »

Selfish Relationship Syndrome: Is Unhealthy Competition Inhibiting Success In Your Organisation?

Many nonprofits operate different programs, and this can mean operating between different teams. In these situations, a sponsorship or corporate partners program and a philanthropic program will have particular team dynamics to work with, which may include: reporting to the same supervisor in the same department reporting to different supervisors within the same department reporting

Selfish Relationship Syndrome: Is Unhealthy Competition Inhibiting Success In Your Organisation? Read More »

How Fundraising Works

At its heart, fundraising for non-profit organisations means securing voluntary gifts of money as effectively and efficiently as possible. Fundraising is: the right person asking the right prospect for the right gift for the right program at the right time in the right way. Hank Rosso, Achieving Excellence in Fundraising (255) It is no coincidence

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Why Fundraising Events Are Important

Fundraising events are much-loved and much-loathed in equal measure. Yet despite the way in which fundraising events can split any group of people into lovers and loathers, they remain an important part of any successful fundraising program. WHY ARE FUNDRAISING EVENTS IMPORTANT? Many non-profits regularly report that they are finding it harder to acquire new

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